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Colour coded bullets and diamonds!

  BG FF 182
I'm going to spray my front and rear diamonds black and also my bullets then give the 2.0 16v a go over with some red but what i would like to know is what's the best spray to use for the diamonds and bullets, my 182 is black gold should i get some black gloss? :)
Gloss black would be fine for the diamonds I should think, You'd probably get away with it on the bullets as well, you might notice the slight colour difference thought. More so on the bullets.
  BG FF 182
Cheers dude, also i want to spray my engine cover black aswell but can you buy the sticker with 2.0 16v which is on the oil cap filler anywhere? cos that'll be a b*****d to mask around!
painting the bullet lettering is pretty easy with a steady hand although i have heard of some people putting blu-tac round theirs to stop paint seepage/runs then removing it when dry....seems a bit too fiddly imo
  Fiesta ST-3
Hmmm good tought, i may have to have ago. What paint have people used, if not out a spray can how else?
