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Colour ideas please!

  1.2 16v
I'm currently respraying my Clio alloys, though they are just the dynamique ones, any ideas what colours would look good? Had black with blue badges but fancied a change now got one silver and don't like it! Car is a black ph2
  1.2 16v
Going to sound like a right idiot and ask what colour from halfords would be the closest to anthracite? Just no where local to get paint from other than that, need done before Friday so can't really wait on delivery cheers
  Dynamique 1.2 16v
Excellent mate! Cheers! I'll post how it goes! Reckon red diamonds would match well or white as said?

What's the theme of the car? Black and red? Just depends how much red you already have, because you wouldn't want to over do it!
Anthracite and white diamonds is a popular choice with people, it's your call tbh mate! Definitely post pics of how it goes
  1.2 16v
Car was black and blue with blue dash strips black wheels and blue diamonds on the wheels but fancied a change, The wheels are ford graphite and going to do the wheel diamonds a darkish red colour, ive put the silver dash trims back in so it doesnt clash! Everything should be done by sat so ill stick a pic on of my awful spraying skills!
  1.2 16v
Was a ballache stripping the old paint off, but as far as painting goes its not hard, just easy to get carried away and spray to much and end up with drips etc in the paint, theres plenty of guides etc on here, just how confident you are mate, im s**t but aslong as there isnt any big splodges of paint im happy!
  Dynamique 1.2 16v
Yeah that's true I Spose when doing stuff yourself you have a real sense of achievement and can say, I sprayed that s**t and it looks sick (being all gangster like...) instead of saying oh yeah a spray shop did it... Lol cool man looking forward to seeing them
