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Contention Ratio...

I understand this as the following: a contention ratio of 50:1 means that you can share a connection with upto 49 other people. so does this mean that if you subscribe to a 2mb connection, that that 2mb connection potentially could be shared between 49 people, ie 2mb / 49 could be the speed your line runs at worst case scenario?

sorry if i am being thick :)
  172 Cup
The words "could be" and "worst case scenario" are the bits you should pay attention to.

It's not even worth worrying about.
ofcourse they arnt in your favour lol thats why to get 1 to 1 contention we pay around 11k a year for 2mbit leased line
  172 Cup
I wouldn't ignore it completely as during peak time periods you may experience some slowdown but it's not worth worrying about 49 other people "nicking" your bandwidth as it simply doesn't happen.
