When you usually get a courtesy car as a result of a crash, is everyone who was insured on the other car (crashed one) covered on the courtesy car usually?
I'm just wondering as my dad had a crash at the weekend and his car is in being fixed at the moment. My 1.4 is just out of it's MOT as well so at the moment I don't have a car I can use, unless I'm covered on the courtesy car but I'm not sure as I'm only a named driver on my dads insurance. I'll phone in the morning to find out, but just wanted to see if anyone knew what usually happens?
I'm just wondering as my dad had a crash at the weekend and his car is in being fixed at the moment. My 1.4 is just out of it's MOT as well so at the moment I don't have a car I can use, unless I'm covered on the courtesy car but I'm not sure as I'm only a named driver on my dads insurance. I'll phone in the morning to find out, but just wanted to see if anyone knew what usually happens?