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Current Best Broadband Provider?

Moving into a new house on the 1st July with 4 mates.

So there will be 5 people constantly using the internet for browsing, downloading and most of us use Xbox Live.

What do you recommend?


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
I reccomend not watching channel 3. The biggest load of shite i've ever seen.
  Scirocco GT 2.0
Virgin Media but if it's a new house, it probably won't be cabled.

I've heard O2 are pretty good for ADSL


O2 are good, cheap too if you've got them for your phone.. im sure one of 5 will have!
All 5 of us are on o2! lol.

I was looking at their packages but it says you need a phone line as well???

I'm only used to cable broadband so dont know how it works??

Go via or similar and get further discounts etc.


  • No caps
  • No throttling
  • No traffic shaping
  • good, consistent connection
  • good CS (if you go via the website rather than phone)
  • No checking to see if you're downloading movies/music etc.
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Have you gone onto any of the cable providers website and checked if they have cable in the new area first? best place to start...

but iirc all non cable SP's require a BT line.. apart from the mobile b/band USB sticks which are pisch..
Its not a new house. I just meant i'm moving into a different house lol.

Theres broadband in there now that the people living in there use but not sure whether its cable or phone line.
  172 Race Car
I dont know much about it but if i could get cable i would.

Im currently with orange and the monthly fe include the line rental so some other companies may offer it this way too. Gets expensive/confusing if you have to pay BT aswell
  197 Albi Blue
I got virgin media and had no problems at all. Good price and quick downloads as well. They also phone up every couple of months to check that your internet isnt running slow or if you are having any problems which is quite nice lol

Went for virgin media cause meant didnt have to pay for phone line cause all of us in our house have mobile contracts so no point in paying £10 or whatever it is a month to BT for phone line.
