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D600 Help

  2004 1.2 Dynamique
Text messaing help please, its not showing my sent items in my sent items box anyone else had this please help

  Golf GTI 1.8T
it doesnt unless you select send and save when sending, I know tis weird compared to all the other samsungs but thats what I've been told a few hours earlier.
  2004 1.2 Dynamique
OK mae il try it cheers bud, just when im pissed i just like to send my sent messges in the morning haha
  2004 1.2 Dynamique
As i've just said above, when i've been out on the piss I can read all my pissed up text messages in the morning...
  2004 1.2 Dynamique
Oh yea another thing, on the side its got a "T-Flash" slot can anyone tell me which kind of SD card I need to buy to put in this slot?
