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Declairing an accident

I was in an accident last year with an old man who stupidly drove out from a junction wihtout looking and hit me. The whole incident was 100% his fault, he admitted liability and my insurance cleared me of any wrongdoing in the situation, informing me that they recovered all costs involved inthe accident and that I has lost NONE of my NCB as the accident has been delaired "not my fault".

While getting a quote from any insurance company I am asked if I have been in any accident regardless of fault. Now, I do NOT have a problem informing insurance companies that I was in an accident that was not my fault. However, they refuse to not increase my premium by on average £80-100 because they say I am a higher risk driver.

I cannot see how they work this out. If I am driving and some clown drives into me, then it is nothing to do my driving whatsoever and I should NOT be penalised for this.

Has anyone else been in this situation or does anyone have any advice fo rme based on this.

It really is getting up my nose. Insurance companies really piss me off! :(


I have tried this online with tesco, directline, privilege etc and have never been penalised for a non-fault claim.... (quoting with claim and without as test)

Dont understand why they would. Try the above and see how you get on.
The ones I was trying with where Admiral, Bell Direct and Elephant. I even phoned Admiral to argue my point with them, but they argued blindly "your fault or not, we now see you as a higher risk".


ClioSport Club Member
  Pink Cup Racer
Had the same problem with Tesco and they had to get the supervisor to over-ride the system. Their computer added to the premium even when it was a no fault claim.!! For reference it was 80 quid.
  1995 Mondeo Speed Machine
McBunny said:
lol well admiral and elephant are the same people and are both crooks

Never had a problem with either of them.

Seems harsh for anyone to charge you extra tho, in the circumstances.


  RS 182 - Black Gold
Yup unfortunatly you HAVE to declare it which i see ur not having a problem doing.

Its a very stupid system wherby you DO get penalised for being involved in an accident yet it not being your fault.

Best thing to do is get a quote from them online and see if it makes any difference addign an accident (non-fault)

® Andy

ClioSport Club Member
  Illiad V6 255
Wullie said:
The ones I was trying with where Admiral, Bell Direct and Elephant. I even phoned Admiral to argue my point with them, but they argued blindly "your fault or not, we now see you as a higher risk".

Which is why I'm no longer with Admiral! I had someone bump me in traffic ... the most common incident around. I was totally blameless, third party tool full liability, no more at risk of this happening than anybody else, yet Admiral still wanted to fleece me. Totally f**king stupid policy and I told them as such when they were crass enough to write to me and ask why I'd moved my policy. I'm now with Privilege which take a more appropriate view of risk.
