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dell pda sat nav..... (help!)

  172 M69 eater
got a dell pda... now wat do i need to do to make it sat nav'd??? its a x50v..

dells sat nav is 190 so wondered if could get it cheaper? willing to buy the bits off ebay... i have got hold of *cough* a 'copy' of tom tom 5..

its got windows, 624mhz processor, 64mb ram wifi and bluetooth and i have no idea if that makes any difference - lol

oh and a slot for expansion too - im guess this is where the sat nav plugs in?


patty :clap:


I got an 256 SD card with Tomtom5 on it already for £25 off ebay. worked a treat. Got a incar holder for £7 off ebay.

Mines a HP iPAQ.
  Golf R/Leon FR
patty in order to make your pda into a sat nav unit you need either a bluetooth receiver, or wired receiver, bluetoth is better preferably with a sirfstar 3 chipset in it.
obviously some navigation software tomtom nav 5 is the best, has full post code search etc. a powered mount and a sd card to load your software onto.

for mounts try or for everything try (where i work)
I have an x50v which works great in my clio :) Using tomtom 3 as I wanted a cheap legal version.

I use this charger/bluetooth:

I also use one of the chargers which I got from ebay seller flippinbargain.

Wiring it into the car was fairly easy as I routed the cables behind the dashbord. Although the receiver should be placed on the wind screen I found it works excellent placed behind the pillar to the left of the windscreen :)

Let me know if you have any questions.
Forgot to add that there isn't really anypoint in using the bluetooth imo. The battery is not that great on the x50v for longer journeys so you will need to use a charging cable anyway. The 4" screen is fantastic though compared to a lot of the other pda's and gps systems on the market.
  172 M69 eater
a716 said:
I have an x50v which works great in my clio :) Using tomtom 3 as I wanted a cheap legal version.

I use this charger/bluetooth:

I also use one of the chargers which I got from ebay seller flippinbargain.

Wiring it into the car was fairly easy as I routed the cables behind the dashbord. Although the receiver should be placed on the wind screen I found it works excellent placed behind the pillar to the left of the windscreen :)

Let me know if you have any questions.

ta matey :D
  172 M69 eater
Day said:
That's illegal though!!!

A licenced version of Tomtom 5 retails at much more than that.

yeh thats y he has this disclamer at the bottom...

Disclaimer: You must have a fully licensed and valid version of the Tom Tom software in order to legally place this card into your unit

If you have a fully licensed version, no copyright laws will have been breached. If not, please do not purchase the card.

  Golf R/Leon FR
a716 said:
Forgot to add that there isn't really anypoint in using the bluetooth imo. The battery is not that great on the x50v for longer journeys so you will need to use a charging cable anyway. The 4" screen is fantastic though compared to a lot of the other pda's and gps systems on the market.

Patty could use a powered mount that poweres the pda as he drives so he wont use the battery and wired systems limit you to one car as you have to unwire everything if you use diffrerent cars
