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How easy is it to get at the bulbs behind the dials a couple of mine have gone.

Ive got a 1.4i 1996 mk1 phase 3 rt.

Also it has lock wood dials and the rev needle seems to stick, has any one else had this problem?
  COLTCZT,Clio 440T project
SIMPLE!!! u will need 2 take off the top dash(3 screws in vents at the top, and 1 on either side of dash) then u will need 2 take the surrounds off round the steering colomn 3 screws again i think. then u shud be able 2 c the 4 screws for the dials, take them out then all the connections at the back just pull off there is 3 i think and the speedo cable. once u have the dials out the bulbs just twist out of the back. should take about half an hour to do it all and put it back 2 gether. sorry if its not exactly but thats the jist of it, it was over a year ago wen i done mine :p lol
