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dilution rates

I'm currently starting to buy in larger quantities from Auto Glym, obviously these larger amounts need diluting. what rates should i be using for what product?
Name the products, then I'll help out lad. Should also say on the back of the packet/box/bottle. It is also down to personal taste etc.
well at the minute all i've got is 5 litres of clean wheels but it got me thinking about diluion rates cos i'll soon have lots more bulk products.
Best to check back once you know what you are using lad. Not all bulk products need diluting, purely dependant on application and product.
ok mate, i'll have a browse on the autoglym website and get a little list going of future purchases and post them up :star:
Lad, PM me with what you want to clean/coat/polish/use etc.

AG, while a very good source of products, is not always the best bet. Have a think and let me know and I will come back to you with tweaks and suggestions :)
