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How many washes wiull i get out of a 16fl oz (473ml) bottle of duragloss? tempted to give it a go over my usual britemax.
  Za**** & Xr250R
around 12 washes you get i only use 3 cap's per wash it's great stuff but tbh it's cheaper getting the 902 you get 1 gallon for £35 :)
  Za**** & Xr250R
ah ok, cheers. Decisions decisions...

If your in 2 mind's whether to get it just buy the 16oz one to test it out that's what i done and after a few week's sticked up with a gallon ;), i've used all sort's on my car dodojuice, chemical guy's, meguires but i think duragloss is by far the best.
Have 3 choices at the moment:

Stick with britemax which I think is superb
Buy a 16oz duragloss to try it first
Take the risk and go for the 1gallon of duragloss
  200 Gordini
Have 3 choices at the moment:

Stick with britemax which I think is superb
Buy a 16oz duragloss to try it first
Take the risk and go for the 1gallon of duragloss

There is no risk, its top notch and leaves a very nice gloss.

It depends if you like trying different things.. if so the get the 16oz. If you're looking for something to keep as your main shampoo then get the gallon.

Never used the britemax but i'd say duragloss is better
  Za**** & Xr250R
Just try a 16oz to have a test you won't be dissapointed i've used load's of car shampoo's but never whent back to them after using duragloss
  Porsche Boxster987S
ive tried nearly every shampoo out there and duragloss wins hands down. Fantastic product
  Bus w**ker
I bought 901 and I'll be honest it was a f**king mistake.

Should of got 902 instead lol, I'll be lucky to get 10 washes out of 901.
  Ph1 172 + Combo van
I use the duraglos and i think its great.

I only use about 1-1.5 caps full per wash.


  Titanium Clio 182
I will be buying Duragloss next time round as it does have a good rep ;)

Go on get the 902 clickity clicked Mr Duck


ClioSport Club Member
  Jaguar XFR
Mate use what you have first then get new stuff!! i have 3 shampoos!! FFS and various other products
