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early upgrade

I know I'm probably early (9 months into an 18 month contract)

but how early will o2 (in this case) let you say 'if i commit to a contract extension will you send me a phone upgrade'

fancy a new phone haha :eek:
Sound, way way early then! I will see if the lad in the shop i play footy with can help me!! And I'll mention the fact I buy for my business (this phone is private, but business is on o2) can do anything for me, haha.
  172 CUP
Ive got one month left on my 18 month contract with T-Mobile, and they still wont upgrade me till the end of that month!
  05 Plate MG ZR 105 Trophy

This man speaks sense imho :).

I am sick of contract tbh & will deffo be cancelling my contract at the end of the month. Although I am so not looking forward to it with 3 customer services though lol.
  A4 Avant
Bit of a thread hijack but what are pay as you go call charges like, I hardly use my own mobile (work phone ftw.) and wondered if I could save changing from a monthly contract.
I pay £15 a month for the sim only one i'm on, it's just the standard o2 one. Much better than paying the £35 + a month that I was on contract.
In my experience O2 will do feck all to help you. I had THREE phones with them at one point and they still wouldnt do me any favours when it came to upgrading etc.
