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Eibach Springs - Sportline vs Pro-Kit


ClioSport Club Member
Sorry to bring this up for the umpteenth time, I've done some reading on old threads discussing, but I've read a fair bit of conflicting info. Interested to hear your guys thoughts on what I'm best doing. My 182 is only used on road, the 182 is also my daily, so I'm not always thrashing it around B roads. I do need it to do motorway duty and commuting etc. on occasion.

When I bought the car it had Cooksport springs on, I found them way too harsh and crashy and felt it had a tendency to bump steer a bit at higher speeds (may not have been the springs admittedly, I refreshed all the suspension when I had them changed).
I changed to H&R springs which were definitely an improvement, but I still think they're too harsh on the roads I drive, they are excellent when pushing on though. I think this is because they're not progressive rate springs like the sportlines and I believe the pro-kit(?), would I be right in thinking either eibach would offer a better ride?

The main question is though, I'd like to keep the ride height as is, and the sportlines would keep it similar. So if I went for sportlines over the pro kit, would I gain as much in the comfort department? Some old threads say they're identical, some say the sportlines are a bit harsher, some the other way around. My theory is more travel in the springs, the more comfort, or is the difference in height negligible enough not to make a difference?
Has anyone driven a 172 or 182 with both options and can say for sure?

Sorry for the long thread, any opinions welcomed.


ClioSport Club Member


Not much in it in reality, the sportlines were newly fitted there so probably dropped a TAD, ride comfort I wouldn't say there is much in it either, I remember expecting the pro's would ride a lot better and being surprized that they didn't, but not that either of them are a bad spring - For me, Sportlines every day! they just look that bit better


ClioSport Club Member
  TCR'd 172
Sportlines look better handle better and ride better get them. Best mod I did on my 172

Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
I’m on Pro-kit now, having tried Cooksport and Grams. Like you I found the latter a bit too crashy over OEM for daily commute. I had Sportline on my previous car and they were great, but can’t comment for a Clio. I find Pro-Kit the closest to OEM in terms of ride, handling and not upsetting what’s already a well tuned set up.

I‘d only really change if I was going to combine track days with my daily drive to work. At that point I’d go B14 if budget was tight but me being me, would just go for it and get some AST 5100.

Coops Mk1

ClioSport Club Member
  Lots of Scrap...
Tried them all, for a daily best are sportline imo. H&R close second but just a tad too crashy and I'm happier with the car more compliant for the amount of miles I do over sitting a bit better to look at


ClioSport Club Member
  RB 182 Cup
I've had Standard springs, Pro-line (albeit a long time ago), Cooksports, and now Grams. Honestly not noticed much of a difference between any of them. The ride is pretty harsh when compared to something a bit more modern. Perhaps if you're only driving the Clio you'd notice it a little more, rather than jumping between a softer daily.

Have you considered moving to 15 inch wheels? The extra height in tyre profile typically improves the ride. Plus 15's look better.


ClioSport Club Member
Save up and get some B14's. Soo good for a road car and you can have the perfect ride height.
I’d love to, but I can’t justify the cost really. I’ll just end up spending the cost of them on smaller bits over a few months instead 🤣.

I’ve definitely been spoiled by the modern cars I had previously, that manage to handle well and are more comfortable than the Clio. I am choosing to daily a 182 though so it shouldn’t be surprising really, basically I’m stupid.
I think the real solution is to get a proper daily, but I’m saving for a house so I’d be mental to run two cars, especially when I don’t do that many miles.

Think I’ve made my mind up, thanks guys for the input.
