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Electric Sunroof Question

Is there anyway I can get the sunroof to open without opening it? My s/r motor is knackered so I cant do it like it says in the haynes manual.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)

Quote: Originally posted by Tom_16v on 01 May 2003

Is there anyway I can get the sunroof to open without opening it?
:confused: May be a small amount of rewording is needed.

isnthere some kinda metal key arrangement- check your manual

lol! ok, i meant is there any other way of opening it without using the switch, as my motor and switch are knackered.

Yeah, i have mentioned this before a few days ago. All you need is an allen key. Take the plastic switch surround thing off from inside your car and you can see part of the motor. On the bottom of this is the hole for the key to go in. It will be very stiff to turn but its do-able. The roof then opens as you turn.

Hope you understand this


The roof been shut for about 4months so it shouldnt be too stiff.

Just out of interest, do you know what size allen key it is, I would look myself but its in my grans garage staying dry at the moment.
