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Elephant!!! FFS

  Titanium Clio 182
My renewal came yesterday for £649

I went on their site and filled my details in and changed a few things. This came to £370. I then asked why it was the renewal was so expensive and she said because I was paying monthly. So i then said it doesn't cost that much to pay monthly.

I asked to have the £370 quote and to pay monthly and she said I cant' pay monthly with that amount.

I think i'm going to change,
Elephant's monthly fees are rediculous. It work out at about 20% or more iirc extra if you pay monthly. As soon as you phone them to take the policy on the phone they add an extra 10%, then there is the interest they charge to be added on top of that.


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
Just pay £370 you whining c**t (no offence) thats cheap as chips.
  Titanium Clio 182
Just pay £370 you whining c**t (no offence) thats cheap as chips.
Yeah £370 is very cheap, but I can't afford it (hmm my parents might help) so I need to pay Monthly, my mam said she would get my dad to pay it for me and I can give him the money monthly.

I think i'll just accept that one.
