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Empire at War - on PC

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Well, it won't beat C&C or LOTR-BfME it terms of true RTS master status, but it's a good game all the same. It has a good unique feature where pressing the Spacebar during a 'mission' zooms you into a random camera view to see what's going on, close up.

There's a big polarity in the way the game plays in terms of difficulty though, giving you the impression that they didn't play test it thoroughly enough. The space battles are ridiculously easy - even going in outnumbered and totally out-gunned usually means that you can still win, quite easily. Land battles are much harder though - even with the ability of calling in airstrikes as the armour units such as the AT-ST are so puny.

It's still a good game though. If Command & Conquer is your benchmark of the perfect RTS game, then it certainly won't surpass it. If however, you think the likes of Warcraft 3 and WH40K : Winter Assault define what makes a great RTS, then this will probably better both of them.

8.5 out of 10 from me... ;)

  Der Panzer
I taking delivery of this game tomorrow. Reasonably excited about it.

Is there a mutliplayer function available?
  Der Panzer
How hadcore is Darth Vader?! Destorys building using the Force.

I should have told my careers advisor I wanted to be a Sith Lord when I left grew up. :(

Liking the Acclamator ships. Drop the TIEs, let them go in and then provide suppressing fire. Still can't decide on the best Battle Groups for land combat though. Stormtroopers seem to be the best all round force.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
RSi Dave said:
yet to properly play this, however the demo was quality.

Ive just been playing BFME2, 1 word amazing

Dave - got this yesterday. My time on the PC is now split 3-ways. EaW, BFME2 and GT Legends. Why do we only have 24 hours in a single day? ;)

lol, i want to get GT legends... I love GTR and the demo of GT Legends that i played i sooo preffered it. Just seemed loads better. Cant wait for GTR2 tho :)

Ive been playing BFME2 and BF2 recently.... still got COD2 and GTA San Andreas to finish too.
