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F.A.O Willy suit carrier owners


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC

Do you have to specifically have a willy parcel shelf to get it fit?

I got one this morning and the valvers parcel shelf doesnt seem to accept it!

iirc there exactly the same, just one has the carrier.

I may be wrong thou, its so long since i looked at mine


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC

Well I Thought they were too but the support for the shelf seems to stop the bar of the carrier from being flat if you will? :confused:

I may just be butting it in the wrong place though how close to the edge of the shelf is it supposed to sit?

I see a picture request coming on!

Really needs to be a Williams shelf as they have extra supports and the holes already drilled to accept the screws for the carrier, can be made to fit the 16v one tho if you drill the holes needed.



ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC

hey its important! Im buliding an authentic Willy here - just in red not blue!

Suit carriers are sooooooo important! I mean I have all of one suit to carry around maybe once a year!
