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Fifth Gear Slipping Into Neutral

My 182 developed a pretty annoying problem last weekend on a long drive, it's just started popping out of fifth gear when I accelerate so I cant go above fourth. I can hold it in position for a bit which keeps it in longer but it eventually pops out. It only seems to be caused by accelerating, when I accelerate I can literally feel it slowly being pushed out of gear and there's a fair bit of movement in the gearstick on all gears. A day or two before this happened it developed a slight whistling noise which only happened when I accelerated in fifth so I'm assuming that's related to it as well.
I think I read somewhere that a lose bolt somewhere might be the case, and was hoping to check as much as possible myself before commiting it to a garage. Has anyone got any ideas of what I could do? Thanks
Just tried editing the above but it wouldn't let me.... reading up some more could it be to do with the dogbone mount and is that easy to check? I'm just hoping to check everything cheapish first.


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
A cheap dogbone mount can be bought to check it's not that causing it. eBay for about £17. Dead east to change too.

Knowing the chocolate gearboxes though, I'd bet it's new gearbox time.
A cheap dogbone mount can be bought to check it's not that causing it. eBay for about £17. Dead east to change too.

Knowing the chocolate gearboxes though, I'd bet it's new gearbox time.

Is there anyway to tell if its that causing the problem without replacing it? Like would it be obviously knackered if I jacked the car up and got under it?

I just took it out a minute ago and strangely fifth gear is fine even if I floor it until it gets to 70/80mph then you can start to feel it vibrating and slipping out. I don't know if that is suggestive towards one problem?


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
When you drive at 30-40mph in 5th gear and floor the pedal for 2/3 seconds and let off, does it jump out of gear? As in, at 30/40mph can you make it jump out by stabbing at the throttle?

If not and it only does it at 70mph ish, i'd say the box is fubar'd.
I didn't try stabbing it but I was flooring it at 35 or so a few times in fifth to test it and it was completely fine. FFS I was just about to sell it as well, don't really wanna be a c#nt and sell it knowing fifth is buggered even if they probably wouldn't notice on a test drive. Any idea what the cheapest possible way to fix that would be, and what kind of money I'd be looking at?
^That's the kind of cause I'm hoping for! How would I go about checking/fixing that, bearing in mind all I've ever done is change oil and spark plugs before so don't really know what I'm looking for/at?
There is a tin cap on the end of the gearbox. Held on with 3 13mm bolts. Undo those, shimmy (struggle like f**k) the cap out, you'll be left with the 5th gear selector and sprockets. There is a t40 bolt and a nut on the shafts. One of those will have come loose. Don't forget to drain the oil.
Soooo I just noticed a made a rather huge error when I changed the oil 3 weeks ago.....I drained the gearbox oil instead of the engine oil, then proceeded to drive to Liverpool and back from Southampton on it. Just about to fill up the oil but I'm assuming that's done a fair bit of damage?
There is a tin cap on the end of the gearbox. Held on with 3 13mm bolts. Undo those, shimmy (struggle like f**k) the cap out, you'll be left with the 5th gear selector and sprockets. There is a t40 bolt and a nut on the shafts. One of those will have come loose. Don't forget to drain the oil.

Where am I looking in relation to this?


Thought I might as well check it whilst it has no oil in
  BG Clio 182 FF
Soooo I just noticed a made a rather huge error when I changed the oil 3 weeks ago.....I drained the gearbox oil instead of the engine oil, then proceeded to drive to Liverpool and back from Southampton on it. Just about to fill up the oil but I'm assuming that's done a fair bit of damage?

Am I reading that right? Drained the gearbox oil, didn't refill, then drove 500 miles?
Right then boys, I've got the cap off. Any idea what I should be checking here, looking to tighten etc?
There seems to be what seems like metal shavings in the cover, not loads but enough to notice if you run your finger on it, and my dad thinks he just got a lump of plastic out of it from somewhere.

This was where the bit of plastic came from


No idea what that is but it has a fair bit of movement. The big panel around the sprocket rotates side to side a few mill, dont know if that normal, and that panel was what was a bit gunked up, especially the two grooves on each side at the top. I tightened the bolt but it seemed to be moving the whole sprocket so I guess it was tight enough.

Assuming it's f#cked?
Soooo I just noticed a made a rather huge error when I changed the oil 3 weeks ago.....I drained the gearbox oil instead of the engine oil, then proceeded to drive to Liverpool and back from Southampton on it. Just about to fill up the oil but I'm assuming that's done a fair bit of damage?

From this, it'll be fucked.
Don't see how it's as dramatic as people are making out though considering I've driven over 500miles on it since? I still drive it 10mins to the gym everyday it's it's completely fine, there's no noise or any signs of damage until over 70.
I guess it still has/had some oil in, or perhaps the bearings were just well lubed. Gearboxes do get hot in use, obviously much moreso with no oil to cool them..

I stripped a 172 box that had been run dry due to a leak, any plastic internally was a mess, and the 5th gear fork snapped.

Put it this way, I'd bet a lot of money (If I had a lot of money!) that a rebuild by the likes of Agency Transmissions would cure your issues.
I guess it still has/had some oil in, or perhaps the bearings were just well lubed. Gearboxes do get hot in use, obviously much moreso with no oil to cool them..

I stripped a 172 box that had been run dry due to a leak, any plastic internally was a mess, and the 5th gear fork snapped.

Put it this way, I'd bet a lot of money (If I had a lot of money!) that a rebuild by the likes of Agency Transmissions would cure your issues.

Yeah but I don't want to spend hundreds on it really because it has too many little odds and sods wrong with it, I was just hoping to get it to a sellable condition on the cheap then spend a bit more and buy a mint one. Never know, when I finally get this cover back on (which is a f#cking mission) and top the oil back up it might fix the problem. If not I'll just make any buyer aware of the issue and knock a few hundred off its value, it's a pain in the arse because the engine runs absolutely flawlessly.


ClioSport Moderator
The bit of plastic pictured earlier is the oil splash feed to 5th gear mate. If your dad removed some plastic from the gearbox it's either melted or got snapped when you were removing the 5th gear cover.
Right so I got in a mard trying to get the cover back on and have yanked part of the gearbox halfway out and can't get it back in again. The big piece on the rod, part 5 on this diagram, I'm guessing it's fifth gear selector or something?


It just pulled 2/3rd's of the way off of it's cog and I can't get it back in place for some reason which is weird considering how easy it slid out. Any tips? Can I apply force to it?

Got it all back together, filled it up with oil now it stalls as soon as you release the clutch, even in neutral and can't even get it in 3,4, or 5th gear. Wtf how could that possibly have made it worse? Any help people?
  clio ph2 172
on a more serious, if you was attempting to drain the engine oil but drained the gearbox...did you put more oil in the engine thinking it was empty? does the engine now have double its oil?
Sounds to me like its stuck in 5th gear now to me. Where are you based? If your close to me I'll have a look at it.

I'm a fair bit away, down in Southampton, but cheers anyway. Yeah I'm pretty sure it's stuck in fifth now, just about managed to drive it forward into my garage for the night but it was a pain in the arse.
on a more serious, if you was attempting to drain the engine oil but drained the gearbox...did you put more oil in the engine thinking it was empty? does the engine now have double its oil?

Nah it's fine, I had it booked into the garage a day or two after that anyway to get a fuel injector replaced and they noticed the oil was way too high so replaced it. At the time we thought it was because the faulty injector was flooding everything with fuel and it had gotten into the new oil, but it was just the new on top of the old, but it all got drained and replaced.
  Mazda3 2.2D 185BHP
Can you get towed to DAN?

He can sort it ;)

ALso this thread has made me notice that my gearbox feels loose this morning. I changed its oil the other day and now im paranoid i didn't put enough in or its leaking!

Off to halfords at lunch to get a L to stick in i think ;)

Thanks OP!
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