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Finished Orange Contract, HELP!!!

  Clio DCi 65

Finished my contract with Orange 3 months ago,

Sent them a letter at start of may stating that i would like to cancel the contract,

Been billed today for 2 months worth of payments...and im being billed for the 30 days cancellation period.

I took out new contract with them on April 29th as i thought this one would just expire.

Now they want £83+ £40 (this cancellation month) from me,

Anything i can do to stop these c***s. taking that money from me?
  White clique
not really. I have done the same with vodafone, i got a company phone with T Mobile so needed to cancel my contract, i still had 4 months left but basically to end it had to pay the full 4 months, or leave the contract open until the end - in each case you need to give them 30 days in writing, even if you contract has ended, and you will be billed for that 30 day period.
  Clio DCi 65
My contract ended on May 9th, so its not like i ended early and didnt use it since May 9th. Totally pissed off with this, been with them 5 years, and my 2 brothers/mother have contract with them
  Clio DCi 65
Yeh phoned them up again earlier and was polite as pie,

Arranged to pay 40quid to cancel it insntead of the 120 i was gunna be billed,

Also rang sky up and said i was going to leave them in my mums name, their coming round on the 30th to connect my free sky+ box up!
