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Fitting Stereo...

  Clio 1.6 16v
Just bought HU and Some 6x9s and stalk controller!

Just wondering if anyone ca point me in the directions of guide on fitting these!

Any help appreciated!

  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
Good choice,

Its fairly simple to fit, do you have both parts of the adaptor kit, ie the main unit and the Alpine specific lead ?

What year is your car ?
  Clio 1.6 16v
Right ive got 2001 clio. They sent me a blanpunkt adapter so i was just going to fit it till i get the new one!

The only other problem is how do i get the other one out?
  RB 182
The current head unit should have four holes in it push them in at the same time and it should release it, some people say use a coathanger but I got a cheap tool from Halfords that does it.
  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
OK, the first thing you need to do is remove the top of the dash.

Might sound a bit scary but its only 7 screws and it is the only way to get to the plugs that go into the display and stalk.

The rest is very simple, all the plugs are compatible, the only thing you need to watch for, is the yellow and red wires on your Alpine unit need to be swapped as Renault use different wiring to most cars.

You can drill a hole in the top of the glove box to run the cable for your Ipod, if you don't want it on show.

I dont understand what you are saying about Blaupunkt adaptors, which ones ?

These are the tool or keys,

radio keys.jpg
  Clio 1.6 16v
okie doke cheers dont have the ipod connection anyway sooo thats kool will have to have a look for them screws
  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
You will still need the tools as you cant get to the sides of the OEM radio even with the dash off, to release the clips.

Sorry Ben, posted before I could read yours ;)
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ClioSport Club Member
  Gentlemans spec 200
Shouldn't need to drill, there's a clip on panel at the back of the glove box, just pull that out then run the leads through there.
  Clio 1.6 16v
Right thanks very much BrainR.

So when ive got it all installed alls i need to make sure i do is swap the red and yellow wires round!

The lad i work with was telling me ill need to twst them together for a permanent feed somthing ?

What could he of meant ?


(dont worry about the blankpunkt thing, they sent me that adapter instead of alpine for thestalk controll)
  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
Right thanks very much BrainR.

So when ive got it all installed alls i need to make sure i do is swap the red and yellow wires round!

The lad i work with was telling me ill need to twst them together for a permanent feed somthing ?

What could he of meant ?


(dont worry about the blankpunkt thing, they sent me that adapter instead of alpine for thestalk controll)

No, dont twist hem together !!!! the unit will be on all the time. Just swap the yellow and red wires, they have connectors to allow for this.

I think I worked out they sent you an adaptor kit for a BP unit in place of the Alpine.... make sure they send you BOTH Alpine bits or you wont be able to fit it......

Just a thought, if you are going to fit your Ipod, get the AI-Ipod lead and fit it while you have the dash top off.
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I fitted an Alpine unit to my 182 a couple of weeks ago, and didn't need to swap the red and yellow leads around, it all works fine. Perhaps either Alpine or Renault have changed their standard wiring ?
  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
both theres 2 bits ? confused now there was only one to order off :S

There is the "generic adaptor" which is the one for the Clio, then there is the lead that plugs into it, which is specific to the make of head unit, ie Alpine in your case.
  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
I fitted an Alpine unit to my 182 a couple of weeks ago, and didn't need to swap the red and yellow leads around, it all works fine. Perhaps either Alpine or Renault have changed their standard wiring ?

No, its just your Alpine unit will keep station memories for longer than most,
If you have a CD tuner, does it try to eject the disc every time you switch on ?
  ur megane r26
I fitted an Alpine unit to my 182 a couple of weeks ago, and didn't need to swap the red and yellow leads around, it all works fine. Perhaps either Alpine or Renault have changed their standard wiring ?

yer that is what i was thinking, wot does switching these two do, i have an alpine stereo and it all works fine and i didnt swap them
Brian, no my unit doesn't try to eject CD's, but it's a CDE-9881 so it'd struggle to eject them anywas as there's no slot in the front panel. It keeps station memory for at least 36 hours, which seems a long time ?
  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
Brian, no my unit doesn't try to eject CD's, but it's a CDE-9881 so it'd struggle to eject them anywas as there's no slot in the front panel. It keeps station memory for at least 36 hours, which seems a long time ?

Thats proof then Patrick, that you need to swap the wires. The Alpine head unit will keep its memories for as long as it remains in the car if its connected properly to the battery by means of the yellow wire.

Some sets like Pioneer wont work at all if the wires aren't swapped around.

The reason I asked about the disc player.

If you had such a unit, every time you turn the ignition on it is like a first time power-up, and Alpine CD tuners clear the disc mech on first power up as they have a little transit lock catch on the floating mechanism inside. ;)
  Polo + Micra
thats a bit silly as it would eject the cd after it has been transported?

although i've never had mine spit out the cd if i re-connect the batt after it's been disconnected
