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Hi guys, can anyone please tell me, will the alloy megane footrest fir the dynamiq clio? cheers guys, Mike


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
yes, they're £30 from Renault, i've lost the part number now, i'll see if i can find it..............
  Cupra 300 ST 4drive
just bought mine today £33.07
item no 5053
82 00 308 061

  LY V6 with Recaros
I've got mine, although haven't got round to fitting it yet! Should get it done at the weekend, but it looked a bit more fiddly than I thought it would be!
  LY V6 with Recaros
It looked to me like it involved cutting part of the orininal footrest as it would be showing underneath? Wasn't sure though, which is why it's still not fitted!
