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free flash website templates ?

anyone know of any website that have any good flash website templates at all ?? or even really nice looking html ones
no im talking about templates for websites that are all flash

i am making one for the big eventthing im trying not to mention lol so i can put all the details up that people will need etc but i cant design for s**t
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  SLK 350
Flash being used for websites = poor form.

Looks nice, but usability wise and for search engine purposes it's shoddy. Still to XHTML/CSS and you'll not go wrong.
  A4 Avant
I was intrigued to see what they were like. The html ones I have seen were very poor and all looked generic.

I haven't much website design experience, only what I do for friends and family. I always find it good to see how others approach things though!
Flash being used for websites = poor form.

Looks nice, but usability wise and for search engine purposes it's shoddy. Still to XHTML/CSS and you'll not go wrong.

its only for a few people to look at :) just wanted something nice to look at thats at all they will be doing is clicking buttons to see a map and links to hotels etc etc
  Fiat Panda 100hp
I have a quality template site, but not on me, will send you the link tronight, it will have the artisit copyright on though, but if u email him u can remove it for around a fiver.
dont mind about it having someones name on it but if i can get it removed for that then i most prob will

thanks in advance for the link
