Took the bumper of today and then put it back on, all the screw seem to be there took a few pics, it stil seems to pop back out.
are both bolt in place on the inside of the bumper? They hold it in place. 2X 10mm bolts about 2 inches apart behind the inner arch. Check them first, I imagine the front one is missing.
Theres only one bolt on the inside arch liner which is there and tight.
This is a picture of it afterwards as you can see there is stil a gap and it doesnt seem to stay in place on the right hand side clip, this was only by pulling it out a bit i havnt driven after this but i assum it will pop back out as usual, ill have to see tommorow. I dont understand what seems to be making it pop out the other side is fine.
Whats this? Some sort of clip on top of the bumper seems to be broken on both sides? Could this be a cause for it?
Also notices that on the right hand side(standing facing the car) the arc liner comes out and conects under the bumper although on the left and side it seems as if some of it is missing i have got a picture of that if no one knows what i mean.
Sorry this picture isnt really that clear but if you can make it out you can see that some of hte arch liner seems to site outside of the bumper, is this right its the same on both sides should it be outside or be pushed inside of the bumper?
Sorry for the long post, any help would be appreciated!