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FSE Power Boost Valve

I am confused on which one I should buy. I have a valver with a 2.0litre conversion (not Willy)... Why are the willy ones different than the rest? Bigger????

Clio 1.8 16v




Clio 16v Williams 2.0




Clio II 1.2i/1.4i/1.6i




Megane 1.6i/2.0i/16v




I want my engine to have more fuel. A chip only does so much... I run my car hard, fuel=power=cooling.... And yes, I will also run a chip!

try a little trick.

get a few std regulators and place them in a vice, squeese them int eh vice (top and bottom not sides) this will increase the pressure on the diaphram and increase pressure.

Try squeesing 3 different amounts, then put them on your rail and measure the preasure. keep a std one just in case though.
  Clio 172 Ph2

The bloke who is fitting my unichip next friday mentioned something about me needing one of these...I told him no one else has needed one when theyve had theirs done. Do you think hes just trying to pull a fast one on me?!

quite possible, a lot of salesmen will sell a product, no matter how good or bad, just for the commission
