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funny noise from the dash area

  VW Potato

driving yesterday, mobile rings. Pull over, turn off radio, take the call, but engine is running.

Call ends and I can hear like a wirring or humming noise, almost like electrical interference through the speakers. Radio is off, so i turn the fan off. I turn the phone off. Noise still there. It aint the cooling fan, sounds like it is coming from behind the dash, near the clock. Rev the engine, humming noise continues at the same level as when the engine is idle, doesnt rise or anything with the revs. Goes off when I switch off the engine, havent heard it since.

Any ideas?

  Astra 1.9cdti XP

See if the little plastic ventilation cover at the back of dash (near the windscreen) is loose. Mine was and it made a funny vibration noise, annoyed the hell out of me.
  VW Potato

er, yeah, cheers Nev! :D

Geordiepaul; could be, but the fan was off at the time, so unless the revs where making the flap resonate, Im not sure it was that. I will check that though; cheers for the tip.




This "sounds" familiar. Mine was doing something similar on the way to work this morning. I gave the dash a good thump which has stopped it a little. Ill investigate more later.
  VW Potato

hi ak_uk,

do you know what...I sort of thought it could have been a relay or something - you know the noise the ABS unit makes when it cuts in, it sounded like sounded like it was processing information, if that makes any sense, or trying to action a command. Nah, nah, got it now! it sounded like the whirring/the hum of the fuel pump, thats what it sounded like, but from the dash.


Get in your car and start the engine. When you hear the noise look up where your interior light is.

Infront of the light is a group of holes. If you put your finger over the holes the noise should go quiet. There is a small fan behind there.

My mates 172 did the same. Its something to do with the climate control.
