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Gearbox out!!

  clio 172
right im takin my box out 2mora has any1 got any idea how long it will take me!! and how hard it is? i know the sub fram has 2 come out! do any1 have a fourm what gives diograms 2 show me

thanks kris
  BMW M135i
Just for contrast i'd drop the subframe and take it out the bottom, gives you a load of room. No better way its what you want to do really.
Its nothing special compared to other cars theres just plenty of stuff in the way.
  BMW M135i
Thats very true actually, you'd have to have it tracked after if you drop the subframe too. Although i'd bet you'd need to anyway if your pissing about moving the subframe.
  clio 172 cup and valver
ive just taken the box out of my 172 cup this morning started at 9 and it was out at 12.30 i dropped the passenger side subby and brought it through the bottom. its quite an easy job to be honest.
