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getting broadband...Phone line is there...


  V6, Trackhawk, GTS
Interesting title...

just moved into the flat and the phone is still connected, no idea with whom. I know the number as i called it to my mobile.

Now i'm lookin at tiscali BB, but they need to know the phone number...Do i give that one or...Fone BT and yet them to keep me connected, give them my details and then proceed.

Catch my drift??! :S
  172 Cup
Tiscali? Are you mad?

Either way you need to "take ownership" of the line before you do anything.
  172 Cup i??? :S thought Tiscali were getting good reviews?

If you're middle aged and want to look at the M&S website or email Saga then sure it'll do the job and you'll probably tick the right boxes when the questionnaire arrives.

That said there's much better ISP's around. What's your new postcode? (PM me if you prefer)
  Clio MK2 (1.2)
^^ ignore them.. iv got 8mb tiscali no porblems atall, and i download s**t loads ov music every day, as im typing this iv got 6 on the go,
  172 Cup
^^ ignore them.. iv got 8mb tiscali no porblems atall, and i download s**t loads ov music every day, as im typing this iv got 6 on the go,

Your Tiscali connection has corrupted your sentence by the looks of it!!! ;)

Ali - I know support forums aren't generally full of optimistic posts but even so take a look here if you want an unbiased opinion of how wonderful Tiscali is -
  Clio MK2 (1.2)
^ cheeky git haha, i just type to fast without double checking what i write:eek:

Get wireless :) dont use the crapy dsl modem :)
