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getting out of contracts

  G/W 200 and project Vdub
I am on orange at the moment which has s**t signal most of the time, i want to change to O2 but i have a long way to go till my contract runs out.

does any one know a way out.



ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
From my experience contracts are pretty much water tight , there is lots and lots of small print . I was told i'd have to pay abut £360 to come out of my 3 contract which was only 1 month old .

If it was easy to come out of a contract a hell of laot of people would do it . Once the phone compays got their claws into you your knackered imo , you'll have to see it through unfortunately .
nope...the amount of money you will have to pay is just not worth it

i was quoted £600 a while ago to get out of one
  1 Series Coupe
We had Orange at work and it was terrible. We just phoned them, told them we wern't happy as the phones/signal wasn't fit for purpose and they gave us the PAC codes. We are now on Vodaphone and can't fault them. This was a business contract though.
  G/W 200 and project Vdub
when you say s**t signal, how bad are we talking?

when im at my house i get no signal unless i go up stairs then i only get about 2 bars!
on the site it says that i should be getting full signal and 3G


The amount they ask you to pay is your monthly installment x how ever many months you have left on your contact iirc
  Scirocco GT 2.0
I'm going through the process of getting out of my contract with Orange. Mainly because I get nil signal at work where as my colleagues have no problem on their networks, except those on Orange.. and our business contract is with O2 and we always get a signal with them, not 3G (using 3G iPhones), but a signal at least.

Also I hate my phone and want to change for that reason too, but that's another story.

So i've issued a complaint (basically telling them where to shuv it) since their coverage website states that the area I work has "high quality 3G signal"... I hardly call 0 bars or "No Network Available" high quality 3G signal, I'm waiting for a response tomorrow.
  330Ci (Fail)Sport
After a certain number of months they let you change to lower tariffs. When that time comes you can switch to the lowest tariff and then pay that much multiplied by the number of months remaining to buy it out.

An alternative is sometimes CPW or Phones4u will actually buy you out of the contract to their cost.

Either way, not sure if you get to keep the phone.
  Scirocco GT 2.0
could you let me know how u get on with them as im in the same situation

Got the call today, a very nice northern bird.

Obviously they don't want to loose my custom, so they are forwarding my complaints to the technical support team as they have found masts to be faulty in the area.

They are keeping me informed, hopefully they can resolve the signal problem. If they don't then I will use a couple of signals of my own ;)
  fabia vrs
An alternative is sometimes CPW or Phones4u will actually buy you out of the contract to their cost.

Either way, not sure if you get to keep the phone.

That's what Ive always done !! Get a new phone every year a nice lil slice of cashback and normally save money on the contract !! Most of the time they will only buy you out if you have got 6-7 month's left tho but ring them and ask ;)
  G/W 200 and project Vdub
Got the call today, a very nice northern bird.

Obviously they don't want to loose my custom, so they are forwarding my complaints to the technical support team as they have found masts to be faulty in the area.

They are keeping me informed, hopefully they can resolve the signal problem. If they don't then I will use a couple of signals of my own ;)

any news form orange yet mate?
what did you say in your e-mail? im trying to write one but dont really know how to word it
