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GNARRRGH! f***ing Motorola V600 >:-/

Right, well, I already hated my phone, now I hate it even more :mad:

The f*cking thing this morning goes off with a reminder (like it's supposed to) only it decides that it's then going to hang every time the reminder goes off...

Which is great, as now I can't actually switch it on and do anything as it just hangs every time :mad: :dapprove:

The stupid thing even has the reminder go off when I've taken the battery and sim card out and it's just plugged in to try and charge it!! :S


Can anyone help? :(
  UR 197, AB 182 FF
Christ.. that is nasty

is the reminder recurring? it should cancel itself after a couple of days at most.
It's a one off calendar entry. It just goes off but doesn't come up on screen. I've now tried to ring it just after switching on and before it goes off, but it still crashes it but leaves the call running. :S

The most annoying is that the f**king software is so slow that by the time it lets you in to the calendar you have about 3 seconds before the reminder goes off and crashes it, hardly enough time to get through 4 screens and select delete... :mad:
  UR 197, AB 182 FF
i'd be tempted to look for a master reset rather than a calendar delete. you might navigate to that more quickly
I had thought of that, but aren't particularly keen on losing everything on there... :dapprove:

The only plus point is that all the numbers are on the sim card, so it'll just be calendar entries that I'm losing. (of which there's a lot! :S)
  UR 197, AB 182 FF
You might be out of luck dude.

I say leave it until midnight tonight, when the reminder should cancel, (is it 3 days prior to the event or something) then cross your fingers that you can access the menus.

Also it may be worth considering upgrading the firmware
It was a 5-minutes-before reminder so will seemingly keep on reminding me forever until I can somehow develop the speed of lightning and delete it within my 3 seconds time frame...

I have another reminder due at 3pm today so I might switch on then and see if it somehow sorts itself out. But it's unlikely...

Really f**king helpful when I'm going away for the weekend on friday afternoon and I'm on a SIM only contract so can't even phone up to get it sorted! Will have to try and find someone with an old phone that I can either borrow or buy cheap.

Then I'm going to smash this f**king thing into as many little bits as I possible can... :mad:
  UR 197, AB 182 FF
Just been looking online for related V600 material and it seems that phone is quite famous for crashing.

Do you have an older phone that you can use temporarily? I'm sure somebody on here (or maybe your local freecycle) has one that you can use until you get yours replaced/fixed/melted down.
It really is a pile of s**t. :mad: :dapprove:

Having rung Motorola customer services who were as much use as a chocolate fireguard, only interested in either getting it returned under warranty (not an option as it's so old and I got it off my brother anyway, who chucks everything away) or getting in to some company who would then repair it at my expense.


Anyway, they advised master reset, saying "oh, no, you won't lose anything."

Yeah, apart from my entire f**king calendar, stupid b**ch... :mad: :mad:


I'm NEVER getting Motorola stuff EVER again. :mad:
  RenaultSport Clio 172 CUP
Motorola, nor will i after this V3 Thing, it crashes, its slow, it cant do nothing always says sim not found ....

Sony Ericsson or Nokia for me
  UR 197, AB 182 FF
My girlfriends pink razr better not start going wrong. Then again saying that, my SE D750i is a bit slow since ive been caning the cpu running gameboy on it lol
  BMW 328 Ci
Have you tried finding a reformat code for your phone.

Both me and my mate screwed our phones up by installing things (Nokia 6600) but simply holding 3 buttons while turing on reformatted the phone and got rid of all the problems, didnt loose to much data either as most was on a card.
  RenaultSport Clio 172 CUP
V3 is just a crapy phone anyway in my view.. never again! Only good thing it has is the loonks, but the screen has all the imprints of the keys.. really bad...

Reminds me of Old TVR :p if it looks good just let them kill them self :p put it on sale.


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
Paul - i say ask a man that knows LOL

Now i cant do much with motorola, as im a Nokia specilist. But i might be able to do some digging for you if you want.

Ill have a look tonight when i get in from work and ill repost ok.


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
If anybody has any phone - mainly nokia question/problems let me know cos chances are i know the answer.

