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gromets for rear wiper

  astra gsi/cliosport 172
i have some spare if any1 wants them in the glasgow / paisley area btw free of charge;):approve:
  astra gsi/cliosport 172
yeah mate i am in gallowhill at the burds house but i actualy stay in penilee (bowfeild cresent) do u want these grometts? i did mine last nyt looks the biss


ClioSport Club Member
  Golf R
lol, small world.

Ive got some on mine mate :D Cheers though :)

I remember putting up a spotted thread for the back 172 with white roo, was that yours?
  Civic Em1, Civic Eg4
What size are they to fit?
I tried to get the wiper arm off mine today with no luck
do you need to Undo the motor on the inside of the bootlid to get it off?
  astra gsi/cliosport 172
yeah undo that and the bolt on the arm itself but mines was a c**t ended up sawing it off !


not posting sorry i can b botherd with the hastle
  Civic Em1, Civic Eg4
There is no way I can get a spanner behind the wiper arm cover you put the grommet in. So you acctualy take the wipermotor out aswel?
I will take a saw to it tomorrow now.
What size is the grommet mate?
And where did you get it from?
  astra gsi/cliosport 172
There is no way I can get a spanner behind the wiper arm cover you put the grommet in. So you acctualy take the wipermotor out aswel?
I will take a saw to it tomorrow now.
What size is the grommet mate?
And where did you get it from?

u need to get the wiper arm off first then the cover pops off then theres the 17m nut take that off then the motor. i used a 25m grommet for the motor hole and a 25m grommet for the cover i found them in work but i think you can get them in halfords
  Civic Em1, Civic Eg4
Yeahh i got the nut off the front of the wiper arm then the arm wouldnt budge, i dont know if its meant to just come off? if it did i could get to the 17mm bolt behind it.
Did the arm come off after taking the front bolt off with you?
Sorry for hi-jacking your thread for advice :eek:
  astra gsi/cliosport 172
Yeahh i got the nut off the front of the wiper arm then the arm wouldnt budge, i dont know if its meant to just come off? if it did i could get to the 17mm bolt behind it.
Did the arm come off after taking the front bolt off with you?
Sorry for hi-jacking your thread for advice :eek:

yeah i got that one first but like u said the arm didnt budge so i just sawd it at two angles then snapd it off then the plastic cover over the window pops off thats when you can get to the 17m nut
