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gta on psp1.5

i bought the game for my 2.01 and it done the same thing.. gutted.. is your's the umd or on your memory card?
not sure to be honest mate, was so annoying.. i just took it back and got Prince of Persia instead, which isnt much better tbh
  Mondeo ST TDci
well if your not going to run home brew games etc m8, update your psp version to amore later one. this will cure some of your probs ;)
  ALBI 197 Sonic MKII
Make sure you didn't download the time limited version of the loader that runs GTA on the 1.5. The time limited one runs for about 10mins and crashes. Have a look through the forums at for the full cracked version. Good luck bud.
i cant run homebrew games on mine anyway mate as its 2.01.. plus there isnt a downgrader avaiable yet, so gonna hold on and see if one comes out
  ALBI 197 Sonic MKII
justinRT said:
i cant run homebrew games on mine anyway mate as its 2.01.. plus there isnt a downgrader avaiable yet, so gonna hold on and see if one comes out

It'll come eventually, just don;t be tempted to upgrade. I ordered a PSP from Japan a while back, crossing everything but my internal organs hoping it was a 1.5. It came and was a 1.51, gutted. Almost 2 months passed, where I used it for nothing other than watching films untill the 2.0 downgrader arrived. Don't get me wrong, I do buy games, but I buy them now that there are ones worth buying.
  UR 197, AB 182 FF
justinRT said:
i cant run homebrew games on mine anyway mate as its 2.01.. plus there isnt a downgrader avaiable yet, so gonna hold on and see if one comes out

Sure you can

Even my new version of MAME works on a 2.01 PSP

Get your eboot loader there :) (Yu need GTA but its worth it)

