You could have at least taken a few worth while photos. Jaysus!
Looks lovely though.
They the original plates too? That font takes the piss!
Love that kind of dedication to a motor.
Bloody love it.
For sale? lol
yes, original dealer plates, and both in very good condition. I love the font, if it were mine I'd keep them on there forever, I was gutted when I broke the originals on my 205 gti and lost the early 90s look
I doubt it, she stored it in special classic storage with dehumidifiers and air bubbles for 5 years when she lived in Greece and couldn't take it.
Cant remember the last time I saw one on the road.
standard on the phase 1 lukey boy
I doubt it, she stored it in special classic storage with dehumidifiers and air bubbles for 5 years when she lived in Greece and couldn't take it.