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Hello from deep in the South West ;)


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member
Firstly, yes, we do have roads down here :)

Hi, I go by the name of McGherkin, I'm 18 and I'm currently living in Plymouth. I've got a Clio Mk. 2 Phase 1, a 1.2 Grande with a top speed of... slow. That said, it's a pretty damn good first car to have and I'm very protective of it ;)

Mods? Well, money is slightly lacking at the minute, and I want to keep it fairly standard until the insurance goes down. Only real things I've done are switch out the headlight bulbs for some xenons and LED the interior light. (I also managed to take the front splitter off, but not on purpose :()

I'm into motorsport in a big way, I'm a mechanic for a Westfield SE doing various hillclimb and sprint events around the southwest (try 250bhp in a 500kg car), but I'm looking to get into driving events in future - 12 car rallies for a start.

Future plans for the clio are really dependant on me getting a 2nd car. Then it'll be track prepped, a 182 engine dropped in and we'll see if it can do well on the hills ;)

So, yeah, that's me.
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  Clio v6 230 + more
Hey dude,

Welcome from a fellow newbie!

I absolutely love westfields. A lad who owns the bodyshop next to our workshop has a westfield with a supercharged r1 engine it in.... absolute weapon! I got the pleasure of driving it (when it wasn't supercharged sadly) and it was like a rocket ship.... 14k rev limit if i remember right! Can't imagine what it's like with boost :D He's into his hillclimb events too, takes it too bloody seriously though haha you'd think every time he races it's for the f1 championship title!

Good luck with the clio :cool:


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member
It's just competing in the various events, St. Eval, Werrington, Castle, Mamhead, Tregeheran, Chivenor, and probably some others I've forgotten. Most are ASWMC (Associated South West Motor Clubs) events :)

We don't really go to win, we go to have fun :)
