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Hello from Ireland


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172 PH1
Hi everyone! New ph1 172 owner here.

I have recently picked up a rusty, non-runner very cheap that I hope to restore to its former glory. It was an extra special one, not only because ph1's are so rare here but it would have originally been bought not too far from where I grew up. It was running not too long ago but has been sitting up outside for about 6 months. I'm hoping it's a dodgy Meta alarm/immobiliser which I plan on ripping out soon. Bodywork wise, it has the usual rust on the driver's side wing in front of the rear wheel and a little bit starting on the other side.

This is probably the 4th ph1 I have tried to buy over the years. Previous ones either being at the wrong time or the wrong car. In fact, this account was started back in 2010 so it's about time I post an introduction now that I finally have a Clio. I have already started gathering bits from here and locally so thanks to anyone I have been in contact with so far.

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ClioSport Club Member
Happy to see another Phase1 on here! If you're starting to notice some rust, it'll be worth taking the rear interior trim covers out and looking down into the sill to see if the rust has come through there. Also removing the side skirts is usually recommened as they can rust behind them as well! I love my Phase 1 but sadly they're prone to rotting, so it's worthwhile checking now to stop it before it gets worse.


ClioSport Club Member
Thanks. Didn't know you could check from the inside like that.
No worries! If you pop the speaker cover off, there are some screws underneath (and some clips I think) to remove which then lets you take off the whole panel. You can then see down into the top of the sill, and fingers crossed there's no major corrosion!


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172 PH1
No worries! If you pop the speaker cover off, there are some screws underneath (and some clips I think) to remove which then lets you take off the whole panel. You can then see down into the top of the sill, and fingers crossed there's no major corrosion!

So it's not good news. The pictures are from inside after removing the OS rear panel.

Are there any recommended places to buy sills and quarter panels?


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ClioSport Club Member
Dang I'm sorry to see that Kev, I did have a feeling they'd be on their way out. Also apologies for taking ages to reply, I did mean to but my brain said otherwise 😬 I'm hoping by now you've found a place for new quarters and sills, but if not it may be worth contacting Renault, or trying a spot like this that sells replacement parts:

Also, try reaching out to @172PH1. He bought a PH1 off a friend of mine that turned out to be very rotten underneath and he had his sills cut out and rewelded. Here's his project thread, it may help:

Hopefully you can or already have sorted this out!


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172 PH1
Dang I'm sorry to see that Kev, I did have a feeling they'd be on their way out. Also apologies for taking ages to reply, I did mean to but my brain said otherwise 😬 I'm hoping by now you've found a place for new quarters and sills, but if not it may be worth contacting Renault, or trying a spot like this that sells replacement parts:

Also, try reaching out to @172PH1. He bought a PH1 off a friend of mine that turned out to be very rotten underneath and he had his sills cut out and rewelded. Here's his project thread, it may help:

Hopefully you can or already have sorted this out!

No problem, there's no rush here. This is very much a long term project. It's car #4 in the fleet so I have to prioritise stuff. Luckily I have it in dry storage so I won't be worrying too much. I don't see any work being done this year so just taking my time with the research.

That carbodypanels4u place was one of the results I've saved and must look into further.
