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HELP with a Website!!

  Clio 172mk2
well even if u fool it whos to say that`ll send it to uk which im presuming yer trying to do.


ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
I'd just e mail em , asking if they post to the UK , failing that phone them .If they don't post to the UK there will be no way round it .
  Clio 197
biojo said:
well even if u fool it whos to say that`ll send it to uk which im presuming yer trying to do.

I want it delivered to a US address... a friend who'se coming here in a week of so.
  Clio 172mk2
erm get them to buy it would be easiest option ,

but if u email them, or fone em would be easiest
  Clio 197
Yeah... I just wanted to get around the whole telephone/timezone thing.

I'm getting my mate to order it now... but it would have been nice to do it myself (just in case of any mistakes :S )
  HyperAlloy Combat Chassis
Using a US proxy server should fool it. Go to tools->internet options->connections->lan settings. Tick use proxy server and put in the details. If you google a bit you should find sites that have the IPs of free proxy servers. All sounds a bit shady though :S
  Clio 197
Their website won't even let me browse products, because my region isn't on their database... I don't even know how much the bloody thing is!

I want an active car cradle for my moto V3 - not sold here in the UK.
