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Hey Guys Whats Happening?

  2001 Clio Sport 1.2
Hey everyone, I'm Alan, recently just bought a 2001 Clio Sport 1.2 16V. Hope to learn about it on the forums, and get a little insight to how things go. Hope to cya on the forums!:cool:
  2001 Clio Sport 1.2
yeah i got a few pics, how do i upload em? cant i just insert directly into the forum thread? or have i to use a website to upload it to? if so, any links? cheers! :D
  2001 Clio Sport 1.2
heyyy just wondering if this link works :D



there we go, theres 2 pics of my car :)
  a low one
Not keen on that spoiler mate, looks decent though! have a look around the forum for ideas what to do to it

welcome btw
  2001 Clio Sport 1.2
yeah i am a Learner, but after 1 lesson im ready, i have 2 years experiance on a 500cc motorbike, so my knowledge of the road is sweet, yes got my theory this thursday morning, hoping for the best :D

aye spoiler came with the car, ive only had it about 2 months, gonna hopefully get a few things sorted with it when i pass my test an get a bit of saving done :D
  2001 Clio Sport 1.2
Northern Irish :p you dont no how many people ask me that question, i use this name for most of my account names, makes it easier for friends to spot me :L
  2001 Clio Sport 1.2
oh right lol, just a thought lmao expensive one at that, ill try to get a few pics of the interior for yas, is it ok to keep posting on this thread? or shall i start a new one in a different location, dont want to be abusing the system yanno :L
Introduce yourself here, then post pics in the Media section if you want to pal.

Welcome to the club. Take it with a pinch of salt and humour.
