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  • Thread starter Dj Annihilation
  • Start date


Dj Annihilation

Hi All

I seem to do things backwards.

I have already posted in the main forum, sadly before saying hellow to everyone.

So thought i'd better do it lol!

I love my Clio 172 P2 which I have owned for a coulple of months now.

Haven't really done much to it and dont really plan to as they are really good cars as standard!

Anyway, nice to meet you all!



Dj Annihilation

are there? thats interesting to know, i never see many RS round here lol!
  R5 GTT EFI Clio.
Welcome to the forum.
I live in Rhoose, which is just by Cardiff Airport, so we are in a similar area :)
  Megane 225 F1
Hey buddy. Welcome.

My self and dan' are the area reps. Stick your name down on the mailing list and get along to some meets. The next one is on the 25th which is a south central meet but we have been invited to.

There are quite a few members in bristol and all around the south west.

Dj Annihilation

Its nice to know I aint alone ha!!! - Do you have to be into the whole car project thing to come along because my clio is standard and i like it, dont wanna look the odd one out ha!

How i get signed up?
  Megane 225 F1
Any clio is welcome. Some people on here dont have clios and they still come. Go to the area meets section and go to the south west. Theres a thread on it. Just put your name down if you can come.
