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Hi Everyone..

  Clio Sport 172
Aha.. Thanks mate.. is that your red clio? looks sweet.. I have just started getting a grinding noise through when i depress the clutch and when i pull away in 1st gear it seems very hard to accelerate away cleanly.. I have seen that it could possibly be from the downpipe hitting the subframe? Have you heard of thus? and if so what repairs/costs were involved? :S
  Clio Sport 172
Did you just do it through the aux lead on the back of the head unit? have you heard of this issue before

>> I have just started getting a grinding noise through when i depress the clutch and when i pull away in 1st gear it seems very hard to accelerate away cleanly.. I have seen that it could possibly be from the downpipe hitting the subframe? Have you heard of thus? and if so what repairs/costs were involved? :S
