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Hi - looking for some info


I just recently had my mk7 fiesta zetec s on an 09 plate stolen from my driveway! Proper gutted, and it doesn't look like I'll be seeing her again.

The zs was great to drive but lacked power so now I'm looking for something that is quicker and I've always had a thing for the rs clios.

I'm thinking about picking up a clio 200 that's maybe a year old or so and was just wondering what existing owners thought about their cars because there are so many options available......cup model/chassis on uk roads, recaro seats, addtional interior options and reliability etc...

All the reviews so far I've read have been top notch but just wanted to hear what owners thought was worthwhile with the options available.

Also, with dealers and existing warranties - are the dealers all independent and if I do make performance changes will they still do the basic service on the car?

And good is the alarm/immobiliser on the car? - After my car got nicked this is really important to me, has anyone had any issues with thefts/attempted thefts and does anyone know what actual alarm is fitted?

I will be asking Renault all of this too!

