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Hi, Thicko BB Curve Question


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
How do you get the browser to automatically use wifi when its available to it.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
It refuses to do it.

Stays in "tzones" browser and i have to force it to "hotspot" browser all the time.
TBH i think it needs an update.

No idea how people cope with these things, bloody terrible.
  Audi TT
There are different browsers on the BB's as you've said. There is no way to force it to auto switch to the hotspot browser AFAIK.
  Broken Diesel Megane :(
my one has always been connected. never had to activate anything to get it to work.
  Hyundai i40
my one has always been connected. never had to activate anything to get it to work.

im the same, only have trouble if its a secure network

then again, there aint many hot spots over here

but work has wireless so use that at work and wireless at home
  Bus w**ker
Have you scanned for the network and created a profile for it, or if it's only a temp hotspot set it as such for a 24 hour connect? If so the Wifi icon should go white, instead of grey, which means you have a full BIS (or BES if you're that way inclined) connectivity. The browser should then default to that and switch automatically to internet when you lose connection. If the icon stays grey you have a provisioning problem on your account and that depends on the network, but I'd assume all operate the same.

Ring them and speak to some f**king 'tard, tell them to put you through to the BB provisioning team. Then when you get someone that actually has half a clue tell them that your account has been screwed up and you need the provisioning changing as you can't use Wifi. You could also try resending the service books first though as they will usually ask if you've done that.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
No this is the scenario.

I'm at home, i want to browse the web.

So i fire up the browser (the phone is connected to my home WLAN) and it uses GPRS by default.


Wifi does work but i need to change the browser type to "Hotspot"
Im not actually at a hotspot, its just called that on the phone!

Where as iPhone.

I want to browse the web, i open safari. Finished.
  Bus w**ker
Odd. I'm home now, as soon as I get on the drive my Bold connect with the Wifi network and anything that uses BIS goes through Wifi as it should.

What's the browser default set to under browser config? Should be 'Internet Browser'.
  Bus w**ker
Do you have a fully white wifi icon or a green tick showing next to the wifi connection under manage connections? If not you're not connecting via BIS/BES so it won't use Wifi for pretty much anything and instead pass through GPRS.


  MK7 GTD & Mini GP
You need to go in to options, mobile network, then in connection preference click WiFi preffered.
