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How much do students get off Macs with NUS?

  Mk2 Golf GTI
Can anyone log on to the Apple store for education?

I know the discount on the old ibooks was pretty good but didn;t know if it was still available for macbooks?
  Sunshine Bus ph-quick
Macbooks on the student website are £656.83 for the basic one (2.0ghz), 779.03 for the 2.16ghz in white and £891.93 for the 2.16GHz in black :)
Student discount is different to Higher Education.
I think I got 15% off my MBP and then the 3 years free hardware warranty :D
Saved me more than £200 anyway.

Student you can login to the store.. Higher Education, you have to come from a hostmask, so only Uni computers or Uni wireless etc..


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
its great using the webcafe in the student union down the road!
