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How to de-tint rear lights?

  Astra 1.9Cdti SRi
White spirit and a sponge, leave the spirit for about 10min on it and then just wipe off, i use a old sponge as it holds the liquid in for longer.
  Astra 1.9Cdti SRi
have the lights on the floor, then soak them with spirit and use a sponge to cover it and keep going over it, you will see the tint spray coming off, then wipe, will take about 20-30min per light,
  1.2 16v Black Stealth Rep
LOL yeah cheers guys, I should have thought of taking them out!
Its coming out on saturday. Will do so James. Do you guys think it will turn back to its original shiny self?
  Astra 1.9Cdti SRi
^ ye it will turn back to its original, just you have to clean the lens later, i used Auto glym glass cleaner i had lying about
  Ph1 172 + Combo van
Once its all off give them a good polish with something like autoglym srp. Or if you have something harsher like farecla G3 compound.
  Ph 1 172
Get some nitro mors from halfords it's a paint stripper that is delicate to plastics but takes paint of easy I used it on my tow eye and the paint fell off in 10mins with no hard work at all
  CLIO Iceberg 172
you want celulos thinners that will clean it right off in seconds lol
(o and leave you with a pool of melted plastic) prob not the best idea lol
use meths as its not greasy like white sprit and shouldnt leave a white residue
  CLIO Iceberg 172
i used thinners on my metro rear clusters once to clean off some overspray, the whole surface started to bubble and turnned into goo had to try and nutralize it with water otherwise i would had lost the cluster lol
  1.2 16v Black Stealth Rep
LOL thanks guys!
Sorry for the late reply i just managed to get my internet back! Stupid Virgin!
But yeah should i try the detint remover from halfrauds or isit just gonna burn a hole in my pocket!
