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How To Get Ranked Higher In Google


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
im sure this has been asked on here before i just cant find it, but how do you get ranked higher in google so your on the first few pages, not like 20 pages in??


ClioSport Club Member
google SEO, search engine optimisation. its all about meta tags, reciprocal links etc etc etc. its not as easy as you may think, it can take a couple of years. once you apply to be on google im pretty sure you have to wait for 1 year before any method of SEO helps in the slightest.
  mx5 & 172
it's been a few years since I was doing SEO professionally but I like to think I know what I'm talking about (I had 5 travel sites consistently in the top 20 for a year straight )

The simple answer is this - Have a decent site with plenty of decent, relevant content that's easy to find and get lots of people with decent sites that are related to your site to link to it.

You can't fool google for long - it's better at identifying s**te than you are at hiding it. Research into the search terms people use to find your kind of business is invaluable because it helps you focus your content.

Use html the way the language was intended - clean, simple html with stylesheets for layout makes google happy

If you're really serious about first page results in a competitive field then it's basically a full-time job - there's a reason SEO isn't cheap.

edit: I'm not 100% on the meta tags these days but google was capable of picking them up as SEO spam 6/7 years ago so over-use can probably still give negative results.
I've had solid results in a matter of a couple of months via intensive reciprocal linking campaigns - you don't need to wait a year.
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ClioSport Club Member
nicely put. cms also helps nowadays. get yourself a facebook page and link that along with any other social networking sites. also its good to have a news section and keep it updated regularly.
  mx5 & 172
good points indeed

content is key.

it's definitely worth reading up on current developments - google is constantly changing and due to the scale of the thing you can check google from different places in the world simultaneously and get different results for the same search terms as they roll changes out.


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
thanks for all your responses chaps.

so could you give me a hand then like a starter?

it's been a few years since I was doing SEO professionally but I like to think I know what I'm talking about (I had 5 travel sites consistently in the top 20 for a year straight )

The simple answer is this - Have a decent site with plenty of decent, relevant content that's easy to find and get lots of people with decent sites that are related to your site to link to it.

You can't fool google for long - it's better at identifying s**te than you are at hiding it. Research into the search terms people use to find your kind of business is invaluable because it helps you focus your content.

Use html the way the language was intended - clean, simple html with stylesheets for layout makes google happy

If you're really serious about first page results in a competitive field then it's basically a full-time job - there's a reason SEO isn't cheap.

edit: I'm not 100% on the meta tags these days but google was capable of picking them up as SEO spam 6/7 years ago so over-use can probably still give negative results.
I've had solid results in a matter of a couple of months via intensive reciprocal linking campaigns - you don't need to wait a year.


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
hey im open to comments, i know nothing about web sites. its just i couldnt afford to pay so had to learn to make one.

will take a read many thanks
  LY 182
Rofl. Some very amusing responses already.

Google is about 2 things. On page optimization and links.

On page is about having your site structured correctly, ensuring your content focuses on the keyword / keywords you wish to rank for. Example, if your site is about mountain biking, you need to ensure your content focuses on that. You will also then use elements such as page titles to have that keyword too. So your site's title isn't just '', it will be 'Keyword - Provided by' or any variation of that nature.

More importantly, at least for anything with a little bit of competition is links. A link is like a vote of confidence. If you can get a link from an existing website in Goolge that has plenty of age and authority it's very valuable. Ensure you have the correct anchor text in your keyword and you're sorted.
  LY 182
I consider myself very clued up on SEO, I also know CJ here does a lot of work and knows what he's talking about. If you want some pointers then provide some more info and I'm sure some help can be offered.


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
most of this talk is going over my head sorry.

ok heres my site is a straight forward joomla site, made by myself. i used there guide to build it

how do i get the fooker higher on google
First impressions also count for a lot. Finding you on Google etc but I presume you give out business cards when you do these big events? People will recommend you.

Your site makes you look like BillyBob who got a few lasers and puts on a disco at his Nans for her 70th. Whereas you're actually quite successful and do big events, your site needs to be a bit more professional IMO.

Obviously it becomes apparent that you're not just a part timer when you delve into it more but if I was some dude in charge of sorting a big big event and was looking on Google, as soon as the page loaded, I'd be going back and looking for someone else.

With wordpress, it's basically a template. You just add some pics, type some words and it does it all for you. There's thousands and thousands of free themes. Some you have to buy, but there's plenty of choice in the free range.


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
First impressions also count for a lot. Finding you on Google etc but I presume you give out business cards when you do these big events? People will recommend you.

Your site makes you look like BillyBob who got a few lasers and puts on a disco at his Nans for her 70th. Whereas you're actually quite successful and do big events, your site needs to be a bit more professional IMO.

Obviously it becomes apparent that you're not just a part timer when you delve into it more but if I was some dude in charge of sorting a big big event and was looking on Google, as soon as the page loaded, I'd be going back and looking for someone else.

With wordpress, it's basically a template. You just add some pics, type some words and it does it all for you. There's thousands and thousands of free themes. Some you have to buy, but there's plenty of choice in the free range.

interesting to hear what people think and thanks. looks like i need to change/alter then

i dont do a lot of stuff myself i mainly help other laserist do these big events. so i dont hand out business cards etc...

i know my s**t like the back of my hand and build all my own stuff (

its just getting some gigs.
  172 Ph1, Lupo GTI
On a simple level you need to pick key words and phases and then write text about your business with these included. Meta tags are basically ignored by google nowadays. The website is not bad but it needs a lot more content. Give example setups, costs, more information about the business. Dont be afraid to put an address even if you do not have premises. just put a note that its for correspondence only.
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  LY 182
Let's just say you would be prepared to pay for the work to be done but on a budget, what would that be? I might be prepared to help for a not too expensive price given that I'm off work for awhile over Christmas anyway.

Failing that, I can give you a rough plan.

Revels is spot on with the Wordpress suggestion. You can get some very nice, professional looking themes for free.

Before optimizing your site you need to research your target market. This is quite interesting to me actually. I typed 'Lazer shows' into Google and you get 72,000,000 results. So you'd thinking s**t that's so much competition. But a few of the websites on the 1st page look awful. Still... I'd recommend optimizing your site locally. Example: 'Lazer shows in Manchester'.

I always think it's dead simple because I work with it, but I can understand why a lot of people don't get it now lol!
  LY 182
You need to pick key words and phases and then write text about your business with these included.

Correct in a very, very simple form.

Btw I'll give you the pin to my bank card if you can get a website in the top 3 results of Google just by writing a few paragraphs mentioning the keyword a couple times. :approve:
  LY 182
I should put a quick disclaimer in and say it has to be something that isn't so obscure it only has a handful of results for the search term LOL. :eek:


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
Technically yes. However, no disrespect, it looks amateur at best and would probably make me cry every time I saw it if I knew it was something I worked on lol.

Sorry about that. Similar results for laser as opposed to lazer anyway.

then i couldnt afford your services

and it is amateur i made it LOL.

yeah similar results i just liked the url lazer as laser was taken
  LY 182
See that probably wasn't the smartest move in terms of SEO. You're targetting 'laser' yet your domain name is 'lazer'. It's no different from a search engine perspective as having a site on football but it's ''.

If you're not wanting to spend, then I'd suggest this.

- Find a clean free Wordpress theme.
- Do a bit of search on SEO for Wordpress. It's a MASSIVE platform and there are plenty of plug ins to immediately assist with your SEO efforts.
- Think local. Target laser shows in Scotland, or laser shows in Glasgow for example. Drill down to an area rather than just laser shows in general.
- Create a Facebook page and Twitter account. Social media is big. Both Google and Bing have recently confirmed they are using FB / Twitter as a part of their ranking algorithm.
- Read some SEO blogs / sites to start learning the basics if you don't wanna pay for it.
- Ensure your content is well written and focuses on the service you offer. It's all very well mentioning your background, your life goals, what you had for dinner etc, but you need to ensure your site mentions 'laser shows' or whatever your keyword is in various places to ensure the search engines accurately work out what your site is about.

There's plenty more to it of course, but I don't want to overwhelm you. (May already have done though).
  172 Ph1, Lupo GTI
Correct in a very, very simple form.

Btw I'll give you the pin to my bank card if you can get a website in the top 3 results of Google just by writing a few paragraphs mentioning the keyword a couple times. :approve:

I'm not going to give away all the secrets :rasp: but the content is massively important and usually will get you 1/2 of the way to a top google ranking. I can usually get a product to the first page on text alone but part of that is most places have rubbish text. Understanding what google is looking at in a chunk of text is key to getting up to the top, along with page rank, and many other aspects that google uses to prioritise certain websites. We are upgrading our website software so we can capitalise on much of this as we are working through our site getting it as good as possible.


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
I'm not going to give away all the secrets :rasp: but the content is massively important and usually will get you 1/2 of the way to a top google ranking. I can usually get a product to the first page on text alone but part of that is most places have rubbish text. Understanding what google is looking at in a chunk of text is key to getting up to the top, along with page rank, and many other aspects that google uses to prioritise certain websites. We are upgrading our website software so we can capitalise on much of this as we are working through our site getting it as good as possible.

the problem with my line of work is pictures speak 1000 words. you cant describe what i do in words
  LY 182
I'm not going to give away all the secrets :rasp: but the content is massively important and usually will get you 1/2 of the way to a top google ranking. I can usually get a product to the first page on text alone but part of that is most places have rubbish text. Understanding what google is looking at in a chunk of text is key to getting up to the top, along with page rank, and many other aspects that google uses to prioritise certain websites. We are upgrading our website software so we can capitalise on much of this as we are working through our site getting it as good as possible.

If you're working with products then yes. If you're using full product names then you're effectively targeting the long tail traffic which is a different ball game. All websites should have nice content with a healthy - but not too aggressive - usage of the keyword. On page optimization should always be done too. Keyword in the title tag, keyword in the img alt tag, etc. Then a few links with your keyword as the anchor text and you're going to be 1st page with ease, if not the 1st result.

Btw I'm not asking for the secrets. I know plenty about white hat, black hat, automation, cloaking, etc.

the problem with my line of work is pictures speak 1000 words. you cant describe what i do in words

You'll need to find a way to do that because, sadly, Google doesn't give a f**k about your images lol.


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
If you're working with products then yes. If you're using full product names then you're effectively targeting the long tail traffic which is a different ball game. All websites should have nice content with a healthy - but not too aggressive - usage of the keyword. On page optimization should always be done too. Keyword in the title tag, keyword in the img alt tag, etc. Then a few links with your keyword as the anchor text and you're going to be 1st page with ease, if not the 1st result.

Btw I'm not asking for the secrets. I know plenty about white hat, black hat, automation, cloaking, etc.

You'll need to find a way to do that because, sadly, Google doesn't give a f**k about your images lol.

im an engineer by trade and at home, not a word smith lol.

this is why my site is a big fail, i can build you anything you want but get me to write a letter and.... oh dear...
  LY 182
Don't feel bad that you don't understand it mate. I have an interest in it, that's all. I couldn't tell you the first thing about a laser show.

My best suggestion would be to save up and then get the work done. I'd say you're looking at anywhere between £250-500. Some companies would charge a lot more, but you don't need the best in the industry all the time.

It is a bit of an outlay, but would definitely be a worthwhile investment going forward.
  LY 182
You can also run your searches for 'laser shows' and such and have a look at the top ranking sites. See what they're doing. Repeat, improve. Reverse engineering FTW.


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
umm ive done that already looked at other sites and the sites arent that great tthey have just been around alot longer than me
  LY 182
umm ive done that already looked at other sites and the sites arent that great tthey have just been around alot longer than me

Yep age / authority is a factor. But don't be put off. A site a couple months old will easily outrank a site 10+ years old if you have far superior optimization, links, etc. And as I said prior, some of the sites on the 1st page look absolute pisch.

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
If I was in your position mate i'd pay someone to do it. Far to much f**king about to get less than average results. The way i see it:

Crap website that leads to minimal bookings, appears 40,000 results down on google. On the bright side your £500 up


Well put together website, that will in theory lead to more bookings as it makes the average joe think you're a proper business, appears not so far down the list on google. On the downside your £500 down.

I bet option two would pay for the £500 initial outlay faster than option 1 would.

My website cost me £50 and it does everything I need it to
  172 Ph1, Lupo GTI
Btw I'm not asking for the secrets. I know plenty about white hat, black hat, automation, cloaking, etc.

dont worry you probably know more than me :approve: the only people we dont want to do it right is our competitors. Many have bad design and even bad SEO which google now frowns upon


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
If I was in your position mate i'd pay someone to do it. Far to much f**king about to get less than average results. The way i see it:

Crap website that leads to minimal bookings, appears 40,000 results down on google. On the bright side your £500 up


Well put together website, that will in theory lead to more bookings as it makes the average joe think you're a proper business, appears not so far down the list on google. On the downside your £500 down.

I bet option two would pay for the £500 initial outlay faster than option 1 would.

My website cost me £50 and it does everything I need it to

i totally agree with you.

but im one of those people who like to know exaclty how things work and i hate having to rely on others to do stuff for me like updating.
