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HTML Code - Rotating an image help?


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
normally i can find the anwser on google but am struggling with this one.

i was three images to be at these angles / - \ so one at 45, one straight the other at 45

is there an hmtl code that will do this?

  Clio Mk2 Phase 1
The jQuery one would be the easiest tbh.

Load jQuery -> Load plugin -> Add events -> Done.
  182 BG
Edit the images? Aka, turn them around to 45degrees, with a transparent background, so theyre still square, just with the image you want inside the square? Sorry, struggling to describe it! Its a bodge, but itll work...


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
Edit the images? Aka, turn them around to 45degrees, with a transparent background, so theyre still square, just with the image you want inside the square? Sorry, struggling to describe it! Its a bodge, but itll work...

thats correct, i dont own any paint programs so cant do it.
  Clio Mk2 Phase 1
Bodge job aint worth the time, will have to fix it for different browsers.

Better off just going down the jQuery route mate. If you run in to trouble just post and I'll lend a hand if I'm at the laptop.


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
trouble is, is im making a news letter on mailchimp so think jquery is out the question
  Clio Mk2 Phase 1
Oh right.

Well why not just make 1 big image that holds the 3 smaller images at the angles you want and attach it as a pic in the letter?


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
cos sadly i dont own any paint programs but when all else fails bodge it!

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  Clio Mk2 Phase 1
No problem, afaik Gimp is free. Just like Photoshop. There will be many tuts online if you need them but rotating should be easy enough.
