Hi, I was on my way back from work about an hour ago and I nipped in and got some petrol. On my way back home I saw the long road ahead of me was empty. So I stopped, put my watch on my steering wheel and decided to test my 0-60 time. First run I left till 70 and got 19 seconds. I did fudge up the switching off of the stopwatch though. So its probably nearer 18 seconds. Second run 0-60 in 17 seconds. Buggered the start up something rotten though, so its probably nearer 16 or even 15 seconds.
I was just not impressed at all though, seing as Renault say 11 seconds. I am 25-50% (approx) slower.
Saying that its old (late 91) but its been driven well and only has 50k on the clock and I have only been thrashing it these last few months. And even then I have been waiting till it gets warm. The previouse owners was a old women then and a youngish girl, but she wasnt a maniac. In fact she was worse than my mum. Very slow.
It hasnt had a service in over 12 months. Kept telling my dad it was ready and he was adament it wasnt. Found the service book the other day, so its in for one next week sometime. But I havent noticed anything unterward with it. Always starts, never cuts out etc
Its also got an accoustic shelf in there and a sub and amp. They easily weigh the weight of a person, but I wouldnt have thought it would make that much difference.
Its got no mods except for 15" wheels. Am doing exhaust, chip and induction later in the summer.
I just wondered what everyone elses experiences where. I know there are some on here that are particulary quick.
ps I also realise its only an RT.