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I have meshed my bumper! Finally!!

lookin good mate. Its a subtle touch, but looks a lot nicer than standard. You reckon theres no hope for me cutting out the centre bits and meshing it as a wide rectangle then?? Even if I attach it to the bumper while its still off the car? Im sure it can be done cos I saw another guys car at a local cruise with it all meshed. Well, if it comes to it Ill get a bodyshop to do it for me cos Im determined to mesh that whole section!!

i was thinking of doin exactly that! but there are bits stickin out behind it and i couldnt be arsed to cut them off. maybe in the future though. im not sure if it would look good though...if it didnt i would be fcked!
in response to iceman, i seriously dont think it is possible, but good luck anyhow!

enough to fill the length of the meshed area and about 3 inches over. about a foot deep, so i had about 4 inches depth left.

could do if you really want...removing the bumper is easy enough though. getting the mesh on is the hard part and getting it strong enough on the bumper.
