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I want super fast broadband for £20 a month or less. Anyone help?

  2014 Focus Titanium
Hey dudes!

Does anyone know of any good companies where I can get FAST broadband for £20 a month or less?

I'm talking either DECENT 8mb service or a 16/24mb service. I'm currently on Eclipse 8mb service, and whilst the service is very reliable and constant, the speeds are around 2mb (i train up at 6.2mb) which I am bored of! I'm meant to be on the top performance bracket too.. I know its nothing to do with the quality of my line because I used to get around 800kbps with tiscali but the pings were w**k because of the packet shaping, and I game all the time so i cancelled within 7 days.

I hope some of you lot can help!


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
why the eck do you need that sort of download capability!


ClioSport Moderator
Ok. For a CONSTANT 8mb you will need the Virgin package for 10MB or the 20MB. Simple. Check you can get virgin.

If you want ADSL, then you have to consider, distance from exchange, local unbundled options too.

Now, phone up BT ask them what your max speed to your house is. This will enable you to determine which package you an get.
I suspect you are being niave and believing that 8MB MAX services give 8MB all the time. This means they PEAK at 8MB not supply at 8MB.

You need to really phone BT, report back with what they say. Then we can advise from there.
  Tesla MP3 2021

You can find out here which ISP's you can move to.

Be Unlimited is the fastest and cheapest ISP around. They offer "upto" 24Mbps - but as I have stressed god knows how many times on various other topics recently you will only achieve “very high/good” speeds under various circumstances.


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
Also you looking for low pings or massive data download?

It's the old car doing 60mph carrying one packet will arive same same time as a lorry doing 60mph carrying one packer.
  2014 Focus Titanium
Ok. For a CONSTANT 8mb you will need the Virgin package for 10MB or the 20MB. Simple. Check you can get virgin.

If you want ADSL, then you have to consider, distance from exchange, local unbundled options too.

Now, phone up BT ask them what your max speed to your house is. This will enable you to determine which package you an get.
I suspect you are being niave and believing that 8MB MAX services give 8MB all the time. This means they PEAK at 8MB not supply at 8MB.

You need to really phone BT, report back with what they say. Then we can advise from there.

Nono I think you misunderstand. I know exactly how these services work, but i get around 2-3mb MAX at off peak times (5 in the morning, daytime in the week, midnight) and around 1-2 at peak times. this is on the "top" performance package.

I already know my line can handle about 6-7mb on ADSL1 so I would like to recieve somewhere near that at off peak times.

Also my ping isn't great, its ok, but not great. I get around 45-50ms on good UK CSS servers when most of my mates get around 25ms. I want a mixture of quicker DL speeds and better ping really. With a decent company I wouldnt expect any more than about 4mb at peak times because of the contention, but i average about 1.5mb which does my head in.

I am 1.5 miles away from my exchange btw.
  Tesla MP3 2021
If you know for a fact that the max you can get on your line is around 6-7Mbps then you wont get any higher than that regardless if you go onto ADSL 2+. 1.5 Miles is quite far but its the actual line attenuation that matters. If you log into your current modem/router you should be able to find that statistic out. It will probably be a high 40 number (but I am just taking a wild guess).
  Tesla MP3 2021
The 2 main things that determine what speed you can achieve is line attenuation which is how much loss of signal you have on the line and SNR (signal - noise ratio) this is how much signal you are receiving as opposed to noise on the line.
Last edited:
  2014 Focus Titanium
Thanks for the info adam, my router tells me this:

Line attenuation: D/S 33db U/S 9db
Noise Margin: D/S 15db U/S 24db

that's connected at 6240/448

Michael172 - exactly!
  Tesla MP3 2021
Right ok so its lower than I imagined. Its possible that you may see slightly better speeds (more around the 7Mbps mark) but its hard to say until you switch. The noise margin is quite high aswell.
newnet, absolutely brilliant service! 1 month contract, straight thru to a tech support agent, no waiting etc, no traffic shaping or throttling whatsoever



in my room at uni i have 10meg constant, its f**king incredible!

such a dissapoinment going home to 2meg.....
  Golf gti ed30+bmw m3
your pings are high due to interleaving being turned on, call your isp and have them switch your line to fast path.
  Tesla MP3 2021
^ Not every ISP will carry out requests like that though it certainly would help his high ping issue.
