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Increasing torque

Everywhere I erad, everybody claims HP increases by adding chips, filters, exhausts and other nonsense..

How to increase torque?


ClioSport Club Member
  E90 LCI 330d

You will see an increase in torque too with those sort of mods...
  Corsa 2.0 16v baby

torque is used when calculating bhp so they will both rise.

turbos give u bucketloadsa torque more than horsepower hence the fun and low down grunt (in gear accelaration)!
  Corsa 1.3 CDTI

Quote: Originally posted by Blue Mule on 20 August 2003

Everywhere I erad, everybody claims HP increases by adding chips, filters, exhausts and other nonsense..

How to increase torque?

You could use a longer throw crank...

The longer the cylinder the more torque based on the same bore.


  Audi TT Stronic

Yes, all you need is a strong gust.. or to eat a vindaloo the night before..
  Mk2 172

Latent acceleration...caused by the heads of your passangers hitting bits of the interior, after the initial acceleration. Acceleration recoil.
