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information only claim



has anyone heard of one of these.

what it is i have bumped the back of another car and there is no damage to either car as it wasnt an impact only a bump and the fella in the other car said to me dont worry about anything so i thought it was fine and everything has been left.

i have just had a call off his insurance company as the fella has asked to process an information only claim which they explained that the fella wants a full check over his car to see if it is ok and if it is then no claim will go through.

they told me to ring my insurance about it and tell them im having an information only claim put in agaist me

if everything is ok with the car will i have a claim against me still
  Ex Ph-Quick

Quote: Originally posted by linzi_h on 12 April 2005

has anyone heard of one of these.

what it is i have bumped the back of another car and there is no damage to either car as it wasnt an impact only a bump and the fella in the other car said to me dont worry about anything so i thought it was fine and everything has been left.

i have just had a call off his insurance company as the fella has asked to process an information only claim which they explained that the fella wants a full check over his car to see if it is ok and if it is then no claim will go through.

they told me to ring my insurance about it and tell them im having an information only claim put in agaist me

if everything is ok with the car will i have a claim against me still
Answered it yourself?


so nothin will change on my insurance then like premiums and stuff
