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introducing myself.

  LY R26
Well I've been on here for about 3 months since I bought my clio but haven't really made myself known as I hadn't passed my driving test so couldnt really do much with my car.

But I passed my test today first time! And with no faults atall was chuffed with that! So thought it introduce myself as I'm sure I will be seeing some of you at meets etc. Will get pictures of my car up soon and update accordingly.

  LY R26
the examiner took me back to the test centre after only half an hour, i thought i had failed but didnt know why haha, then he said i passed!


Welcome mate, congrats on passing!

PM coming your way regarding dash strips
  LY R26
haha well i think i done quite well tbh. Only turned 17 in december and had exams all last month so didnt do much driving.

yeah i know iv been out all night just driving about haha, well after getting my new cd player in and my bulbs, oh and picking up bulbs off mike whos a member on here.

need to get my springs on on the 3rd then will head along to a meet!


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Well done mate, take it easy don't go being a hero, it'll haunt you for years to come.
  Maybe a 172 Cup..
As said above be safe and enjoy pal. Congrats on the test.

I must be getting old now as I can hardly remember passing my test..:S
  LY R26
i have been being careful dont worry haha, just getting all my stuff together to get my car looking the way i want it so getting that all on on the 3rd.

also got a nice surprise from my insurance, got my provisional insurance for £700 for a year, then they said i will have to pay about £1200 when i pass, so phoned them when i got in after my test and i had saved up the £1200 and they only took £220 off me! so paid £920 overall, was happy with that as had £900 left over and i get paid next week, good times!
